Friday, June 3, 2016

Autumn and Good-bye Russellville

Hola a todos!

We had a great great week this week but today is a busy day so here are the highlights:

#1. AUTUMN WAS BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED! She is such a sweetheart and has a really strong testimony. Unfortunately the water was freezing (oops) but it was a beautiful service. She told us how she found Ether 3:2 that changed her life and really spoke to her. She was so excited, the best was when we went into the bathroom to lead into the font she looked at us with giggles and just said "I'm so excited!" :) the ward has been really great, she already had so many connections with them. I'm grateful to have been part of her conversion, but she is definitely converted to God.

#2. Double exchanges!! I went to Conway again for exchanges with Sister Farr and Sister Nelson came here to Russellville. In Conway we talked to these cute little girls who were fishing with their mom! And they lead us to their uncle who was the dad of the person we had originally been looking for. Exchanges are cool. We also met the coolest couple who were super down to earth and very devoted and had very similar doctrinal beliefs. Also sister Farr is really really awesome.
End of exchanges. Hna Brown, me, Sister Nelson, Sister Farr

#3. Go read the talk from Elder Carl B Cook in... April? October? General conference of 20..10,11,14? Oh it's October 2010 and it's awesome. It's called its better to look up. I especially love the part that says "We will come to realize that most of what we worry about is not of eternal significance--and if it is, the Lord will help us."

#4. We just found out today imma gettin transferred to Memphis! It'll be my first time in 9 months serving in a full Spanish area (I have been English and Spanish from the beginning). And I will be with Hermana Lewis! I'm super excited but also sad to leave Russellville-it's a great place to be!

The first good-bye of Russellville!

#5. I read in the Old Testament in Exodus 16:11-36 and it stuck out to me how much faith they had to have in order to gather double the amount to prepare for the day of rest. Some had tried to gather more than their share so they didn't have to go out early the next morning, they could just keep it in storage. But the Lord made it a daily thing, so they had to gather just the right amount every day. Then they find out they have to gather double the amount on the 6th day in order to prepare for the 7th day in which there would be no  manna. How often do we not trust God and this simple commandment? It's interesting that we often just  allow ourselves to do a few things in Sunday to prepare for the week instead of faithfully preparing the week before, even the Saturday before. Things are busy and we often feel like we don't have time, but God doesn't give us commandments we can't keep. I want to be better at preparing myself and my apartment and things like that to be ready for the Sabbath Day and to keep it holy. What a blessing!
Shopping for Baptism Clothes

I love the gospel, I know the Book of Mormon is true.

Hermana Macfarlane

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